We Chat With MoneyWeek

Our founder Rupert had the opportunity to speak with the financial & economic magazine MoneyWeek, as a part of their “5 questions for…” series.

Video advert production london studio

So, what does your business do?

“We are a digital-first video production agency in the heart of East London. What started out as a YouTube channel I started when I was 16 is now a digital studio, producing everything from long-form content to digital ads, all created by our in-house team of digital natives.”

What would you say is your company’s biggest achievement so far?

“I launched Perspective Pictures over two years ago in 2016, and I’m so proud of where we have managed to take the company. From its humble heritage working out of a shed in my parent’s back garden, to producing polished content for global brands like Sony, Red Bull, HSBC, Rolls Royce, Google, Brewdog, and even the RAF, which is incredible.”

What’s been your biggest challenge?

“When we started the company we had absolutely no money. We had to tread very carefully with every decision we made, so anything that cost money we just couldn’t do. In these early stages, we relied heavily on networking, going out to as many events as possible to get ourselves known.”

What are your plans for hitting your targets?

“We recently finished a very successful crowdfunding campaign which brought in £150,000 in just over two weeks. This puts us in a great position to increase capacity, boost sales and produce the best possible videos we can.”

What’s the one piece of advice you’d give to fellow entrepreneurs?

“There really isn’t one key to success, but if you find something you enjoy, which is of any use to society, and you work hard enough to become very good at it, eventually people will most likely pay you for it.”

Want to read the original article? Click here.

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Perspective Pictures

About Us

Perspective Pictures is a digital-first video production company, based in East London.

We make videos for brands to post to the internet and see ourselves as a digital studio, producing everything from long-form content to digital ads, all created by our in-house team of digital natives.

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