New Fintech startups are in a gruelling position

New Fintech startups are in a gruelling position. Gone are the days when financial technology on its own would do the marketing for you.

New Fintech startups are in a gruelling position - October 22, 2024

The competition is fierce, PayPal is no longer your only competitor, nowadays you have to worry about Joe Bloggs down the street with nothing but a laptop, a dream and a lot of Adderall.

This means even if you have some of the best, most revolutionary technology in the world, it can easily get abandoned in the ocean that we call the app store.

So how can your Fintech stand out?

The first step is marketing!

When Monzo released their first television campaign, glueing people’s eyes away from The Simpsons and onto their revolutionary service had an immediate impact on their business.

“The impact on sign-ups was immediate. June was “by far” Monzo’s biggest month for sign-ups, attracting more than 250,000 new customers, up from 150,000 a couple of months before. And prompted brand awareness increased 13 points from 35% to 48%.”

Sarah Vizard for Marketing Week

Mixing television marketing with digital advertising has now become an integral part of the marketing mix, seeping your product or service into your consumers’ minds effectively and often, generating positive ROI and an improved return on ad spend.

If you’re just starting up though, you may be forced into a position to choose one or the other, and by marketing through social media, you can accurately measure attribution and gain a far more technical insight into the performance of your campaigns, compared to your traditional counterparts such as television, billboards and those Bladerunner feeling ads on the underground.

But how can you further improve your odds of success? I mean, if all you had to do was post an image on Instagram that said “use our service”, then we’d all be rich, and then immediately bankrupt because we keep buying every product that gets advertised to us.

This is where having great content comes into play!

The reason that Monzo’s marketing worked so well wasn’t just because they made an advert, they made a bloody good one.

It was punchy, impactful, bright and educational, educational as in it told you what the product did (something that new brands can genuinely forget, which is both funny and worrying for future generations).

At Perspective Pictures we make videos that genuinely engage your target audience, capturing attention on social media and creating impactful visuals that stop scrollers and catch attention.

After that, we utilise our learnings from our extensive background producing explainer videos and crowdfunding pitches to effectively tell your brands’ story, and (put simply) what your product does.

Our videos get the results you’re looking for using three key methods!

Firstly; A bloody great intro.

New Fintech startups are in a gruelling position - October 22, 2024

In 2015, Microsoft released a report stating that the “average attention span had reduced from 15 seconds to 8”, we take the initiative to believe that it would be even lower since the rise of TikTok and the further influx of digital ads on social media.

To combat this and get viewers to watch past the first 5 seconds, we use a variety of methods. One of them is using up to three different shots in three different settings to keep up with our ADHD brains.

You can see this in our Drum Award Nominated Advert “An Ad Selling You Ads“!

Secondly; Effective storytelling.

New Fintech startups are in a gruelling position - October 22, 2024

We have not one, but TWO Cannes Film Festival Award nominees in our ranks, on top of an entire creative team whose sole job is to understand how to tell a brands story effectively.

“At the end of the day, you have to be straightforward and straight to the point, using the visuals to aid your message and to maintain engagement.

Once we understand our clients’ goals, the first thing we do is cut down the “stuff”. Anything that’s filler material, technical jargon or unrelated to getting them the results they want.

We would rather have a really simple message that’s super engaging than an overly complicated mess with pretty visuals, for obvious reasons.”

Harry Wyld, Lead Creative at Perspective Pictures

Thirdly; A kick-ass team of editors

New Fintech startups are in a gruelling position - October 22, 2024

PACING! PACING! PACING! No one wants to see a bloated, boring video that makes you regret quitting Adderal. Our team of editors not only chop out the “umms” and “aahs”, but add audio effects, visual effects, animations and so on. This not only adds to the production value but also makes the video, well, better.

Perspective Pictures exists to stimulate the senses digitally in favour of brands. On that note, we simply believe that if the video isn’t engaging enough, then it’s time to bring out the big guns, “The Irish Splicer”, A.K.A Dara, our Head of Post-Production.

Not only does he and the team enhance the quality of the video, but they also bring your dreams into reality! Got an idea that’s out of this world? That’s fine, all we need is our in-house studio equipment, our team of editors and a lot of coffee. Then bam! Your brand ambassadors are now riding a unicorn, in space, using your app!

Too much?

If so, we can draft up some other ideas for your business by contacting us here!

Picture of Perspective Pictures

Perspective Pictures

About Us

Perspective Pictures is a digital-first video production company, based in East London.

We make videos for brands to post to the internet and see ourselves as a digital studio, producing everything from long-form content to digital ads, all created by our in-house team of digital natives.

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