As a business owner, how can you still be creative?

TL;DR This is basically an advert, but hopefully it’s entertaining enough for you to enjoy my ramblings anyway.

As a business owner, how can you still be creative? - January 24, 2025

Growing up, it may have felt like you had two gateways to go down. 

If you’re analytical, your career led you towards STEM fields or the business world, such as positions of leadership or analytics. If you’re creative, you’re expected to go into the arts, such as filmmaking or painting. Habits form and your parents’ intentions start to play a role in your priorities for study. Before you know it you’re on a rough trajectory towards one of the two.

But now that we’re no longer teenagers, for some that tinge of regret begins to seep in. We all know that special someone who left their well paying, mundane, finance job to pursue their true, artistic passion.

It could be writing, painting, or watching ‘Wheeler Dealers’ on Dave. My bad, I meant “studying mechanical engineering”. We also know how it will end up. A few greats will shine through, but our former finance colleague, Gary, won’t have that Jaguar rebuilt by this summer, nor the next. Instead, the Jaaag as he calls it sits there gathering dust, waiting for the retirement fund to kick in so that it can be sent to the garage.

So, quitting your position, especially as a business owner may seem a little extreme, but if you read another email reporting the impact of Covid on your business, you may be thinking about taking the quick route to the ground floor (or sending your two weeks notice, dealers choice).

Here’s our proposal, as a video production company, to enable business owners (hopefully “like you”, for the sake of my manager) to be more creative and offer some more joy to your day-to-day work schedule.

Happy business chat
Myself and a business owner collaborating (who definitely has nothing to do with Perspective).
  1. Creative collaboration

At Perspective Pictures, we have a team of talented creatives, and yes, whilst we all consider ourselves creatives, this is every member of the creative team’s job title. Their sole job is to come up with brilliant creative ideas to pitch to you for your business marketing content. Now, you may be thinking;

“Well I can do that”, and you would be right.

But here’s the trick, their job is to come up with brilliant ideas that are within your budget. Ah. Gone are the days when you would be putting your hands on your head with your office door closed because your “marketing guru” underestimated the costs and exaggerated the quality of the final video.

You can also request multiple creative pitches for one brief, giving you the chance to make sure your brand is accurately represented, whilst using industry-proven, evolved and refined techniques to help you hit the goals you set out with your marketing department.

These same creatives will then script, storyboard and re-pitch to you for final approval, meaning you have as much, or as little, involvement over the process as you would like.

If you already have an idea, but don’t want to do the rest of the scripting, storyboarding, cost-analysing and yada yada, tell us. The creative team can flesh it out and make it suit your budgetary scope, giving you the fun part of seeing your ideas come to life. Brilliant.

filmmakers Shooting a video
Our Head Filmmaker is busy… Filmmaking.
  1. Acting

Ever wanted to try your hand at the theatrics, then here’s a way to try it whilst staying productive, from B2B to B2C, putting a face to a business has never been more important. In a world where faceless corporations are dominating and abusing their positions of power, all people want is to know who they are buying from and what practices they would be supporting with their hard-earned money.

If your business offers good value and a great product or service, this is definitely the route for you, I hate to be so cliche, but why do you think the electric car guy’s gotten so much support.

It’s proven that putting a face to a business improves your marketing materials retention, consumer trust and viewer engagement, leading to a higher conversion rate. This is not only what my boss does for our Facebook Adverts, but also what many of our clients have started doing, with positive results.

Another example; putting your face on your marketing material is especially important for investment pitch videos. At Perspective Pictures, we’ve pretty much cracked the code for these (touch wood), helping startups craft their pitch script and shoot their crowdfunding videos. WAIT, DON’T GO JUST YET!

These “crowdfunding videos” might have gotten a bad wrap with Kickstarter catastrophes, but our partnership with Seedrs has helped establish it as one of the best methods for gaining investment for new businesses. Our videos have helped companies gain over £70 million in investment and companies that have used our services have so far (once again, touch wood) had a 100% success rate. 

All of these videos contain their founders, acting as the voice of the company, incentivising trust, excitement, and (the important part) funding. Working with business owners on being the face of their brand, especially ones who may not be so comfortable standing in front of the camera and telling their story effectively, is our bread and butter.

London video Production company
Our head of post-production, the Irish Splicer, Dara.
  1. Editing Sessions

Finally, if you want to see your video come to life, it’s one of natures most beautiful miracles. Instead of us emailing your video and you having to email us back with any amendments and then we come back to you so on and so forth, you can just come in and watch it come together in person.

Meet your editors and make adjustments at will, whilst our editors worry about the technical jargon. You can guarantee that you get to flex your creative ideas and make a brilliant video for your company. Wonderful.

So, we hope we will be scratching your creative itch before Gary scratches his Jaguar.


Angus from Perspective Pictures

Picture of Perspective Pictures

Perspective Pictures

About Us

Perspective Pictures is a digital-first video production company, based in East London.

We make videos for brands to post to the internet and see ourselves as a digital studio, producing everything from long-form content to digital ads, all created by our in-house team of digital natives.

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